I remembered black skies(我记得在漆黑的天空下)
the lightning all around me(满布的闪电围绕着我)
I remembered each flash(我记得每一道电光)
as time began to blur(时间亦开始朦胧不清)
Like a startling sign(犹如惊人的预兆)
that fate had finally found me(在最后找到我)
And your voice was all I heard(我唯一听的见的是你的声音)
That I get what I deserve(我终究得到我的救赎)
So give me reason(给我理由)
to prove me wrong(去证明我是错的)
to wash this memory clean(并抹去我的记忆)
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes(让你眼中的洪水决裂溃堤)
Give me reason(给我理由)
to fill this hole(去填满这个黑洞)
connect the space between(修补这个空隙)
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies(给予真实�