关灯 巨大 直达底部
第六百八十章 辣屁股

Ten years before I saw the light of morning(早在我看到那曙光的十年前)

A radeship of heroes was laid(一段英雄间的情谊便已铸就)

From every corner of the world came sailing(他们来自世界各个角落)

The Fifth International Brigade(他们是国际纵队第五旅)

They came to stand beside the Spanish people(与西班牙人民并肩而战)

To try and stem the rising fascist tide(只为遏止法西斯的涌潮)

Franco's allies were the powerful and wealthy(弗朗哥的盟友们都有权有势)

Frank Ryan's men came from the other side(弗兰克.瑞安的手下正好相反)

Even the olives were bleeding(就连橄榄也为之而流血)

As the battle for Madrid it thundered on(马德里的战斗一触即发)

Truth and love against the force of evil(以真理与爱去战胜邪恶)

Brotherhood against the fascist clan


